Tuesday 13 March 2012


this is my unwrapped UVW map scientist we were giving this character UVW map was not very well spread out around the character for a homework we had to spend a very long time making the UVW map proportioned so that where texture was added to the character it looked real.

Monday 12 March 2012


the only thing I contributed in this picture was the brick tower in the roundabout. We  used this 3-D artwork to try and introduce our own work into the picture without anyone noticing and trying to get the shadow to line up with the other shadows in the picture.

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Pixal Art

Here is the fire highdrent and robot that i did that was placed into a picture that was givan to the class by steve.
Above Is The pixal robot we were set to do for homework.

Above is the highdrent we did in class.

Speeder Wars

this is speeder from Star Wars Mistry was done her homework and in class to help us with perspective might even be up to see the lines that were reaching their which I have now rubbed out the destroying shows how easy perspective can be done and how well it can improve your drawings and make them more realistic.

Bike Of The Future

this is a concept art design for the bike of the future most of my influence for this bike came from the film Akira as at the start of the film there is a very famous bike seen at the start of the film.


this was an attempt at trying to get this soldier of my design coming through smoke as he is fighting in a pitched battle as you can see the colours are very basic and solid with no apparent form to it this is because I have not finished yet this is a work in progress file upload the finish one at a later date.

Sam Alive

Sam Alton on the compute: this was my attempt at a life drawing of my housemate Sam on his computer wearing his very iconic hat as you see I it is just a line drawing with no apparent shading and is not a very good drawing I will continue to work on my drawing skills over the next few months and hopefully you will you be to see improvement.

Titan AE Moster

this concept art for a creature that has two legs my a main influence for this character was from Titan AE this is an animated film was done in year 2000 the character I base this creature on was called Stith

Monday 5 March 2012


This is one of the homeworks that we were set to do my main influences were from alien and the flood from Halo i tried toto give the character/bug a glossy and slimy texture to make it seem more worm like insect.