Thursday, 7 February 2013

3D Character

This is a line-up of the different angles of me

Here is a wireframe of me and the soild views of the same modle.

Here is a 3 point view of me.


Same view as above but with images.

Ok this is me but it scracs the shit outta me. YOLO>>>>>>

When I put the mesh into mudbox and then subdivided I got a error massage saying that an edge can not be shard with more then two polygons.

these are the problem edges I found out about with the help from Taungay but I have changed them but still getting the error massage.  

I tried to smooth it and then import it into mudbox I still got the error

Its 00:34 I give up need sleep.

I did the STL check in 3Ds Max and there are no problems but i can still not subdeived in mudbox

here is a test that steve whated us to do i think i did very well

Right subdived finaly works there where some faces inside the model itself but now I got it working.

Now lots of detail.

Above is the UV map that I made to texture the character below.

Here is the finished character there is a little more to do like added some height to the hair. here i added some height to the hair which made it look a lot better.But due to this, the model still seems not to look human enough, my legs and torso seem to be a lot smaller than my upper torso. The textures I've added have added more realism to it, but also due to the mess up with the hands earlier in building the model if apart from that, the model has turned out okay