Tuesday 30 April 2013

Underwater Creature

Here is the mood broad with some of the Underwater Creature and fish from the sea these are from the abyss of the oceans of the Earth using their weird and wonderful features. I hope to make my own creature. These animals have never seen natural sunlight, so it makes for a unique, almost otherworldly creatures.
From above i will look at making the creature look as if we could very find it in the deepeset part of the abyss.

this fish. I found on Google is also from the abyss. Unlike the shape and how there's almost a flipper or a tail at the front for a nose or maybe even a shovel to get food out of the seabed.

above is a design of fish with a lobster claw not that much bigger than human as shown above
above is a creature that I designed using the shark with a long nose from my new board above making this a big creature bigger than human as shown above
The image above is the one I think I'll made into a 3-D model as I believe it is most doable to be made in 3-D, and is the most simple and it does look the best out of three.

Above are three designs that I did using the mood board for refrecnse i did a side and frount view so i can put these into maya and make a 3D model which i will then put into mud box and add a bump map to it.

Here is me looking at the areas of fish with more detail to see what would be good to add to the creature. 

This stage I'm simply making the shape follow the drawing. I did

Above, I'm adding slightly more detailed fins and starting to make the horns
above is a three-point view of the same image above

here is the model with all the detail from the image
Above are the stages of the creature in maya how I started out with a simple box and ended up with the last image above I will know move this into mubbox to smooth out and make a normal map for it.

As you can see above I have put the model into mudbox and added sub-devisions and then started to add some detail.
I have know Exported the model back to maya and added the normal map and coloured in the texture i will know retexture the creature to make it seem more real.
Here I am playing around with textures and also I added some teeth which makes it looks alot better it still has a lot of workAs the textures are stretching around me. I am the normal map is not coming out as well as it should. And shadows are not reflecting around the teeth

 Above I played around the textures more, and as you can see this, a lot better. I'm still having trouble trying to get a decent enough shadow for the teeth and have to play around with spectacular to make a creature seem less shiny

Monday 29 April 2013


 Above is the references picture that we were given of Nightcrawler I will use this to make a 3D model using simple box's.   

Here are some of the pictures that I got using snipping tool in windows with a side, front and a three-point view also I added in the tail.

I believe that the modal came out looking good and I may go on and add more detail Using the duplicate special function in May. I made nightcrawler, as you can see the tail was made separately as this would be a lot harder duplicate special as you can see the detail is good. Yet is a low poly model

Wednesday 24 April 2013


Here is the daytask we did called troll this is the refrence image I will use to make the model

 Above is the reference picture that we were given 

Here I started with a simple box layout using the reference image as shown 

Above i started to move the simple box shapes to follow the outline of the character 

Showing a bit more detail and see-throw 

Picture from the front 

Here I have added the head and hands and shaped the character to the image

Here I have added more detail and the fingers and made the character follow the out of the side image

Above is a 360 degree view of the minotaur so far

Here i look at making the Minotaur more fat as the Minotaur seems more muscular at the moment in the model 

Face up close

Here is the finished character (Minotaur) with horns and all

the Minotaur is now finished. This is properly one of my best low poly models. I believe I've done. I have learned from doing this. That is actually a lot easier to make low poly organic models than I thought it was this open me up to new possibilities and I will definitely use this technique in my third year game.

Wednesday 6 March 2013

CAT (Character Animation )

This week we look at the CAT tool in 3Ds Max's we where given the assigment to rig up the model of a person that looked like spider man as you can see below this was done using what i had larnt i then went on to rig the charaiter of me as you can see below.

Here are the cat modles riged using what I leant I did this to my own charaitcter below which is me I uesd some screen shorts of the charaitcter in motion to show that I did rig it and add a skin modifier.


Thursday 7 February 2013

3D Character

This is a line-up of the different angles of me

Here is a wireframe of me and the soild views of the same modle.

Here is a 3 point view of me.


Same view as above but with images.

Ok this is me but it scracs the shit outta me. YOLO>>>>>>

When I put the mesh into mudbox and then subdivided I got a error massage saying that an edge can not be shard with more then two polygons.

these are the problem edges I found out about with the help from Taungay but I have changed them but still getting the error massage.  

I tried to smooth it and then import it into mudbox I still got the error

Its 00:34 I give up need sleep.

I did the STL check in 3Ds Max and there are no problems but i can still not subdeived in mudbox

here is a test that steve whated us to do i think i did very well

Right subdived finaly works there where some faces inside the model itself but now I got it working.

Now lots of detail.

Above is the UV map that I made to texture the character below.

Here is the finished character there is a little more to do like added some height to the hair. here i added some height to the hair which made it look a lot better.But due to this, the model still seems not to look human enough, my legs and torso seem to be a lot smaller than my upper torso. The textures I've added have added more realism to it, but also due to the mess up with the hands earlier in building the model if apart from that, the model has turned out okay