Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Halloween Scarcrow

Here is the finished halloween scarcrow I designed from the skeaches you saw afew days ago the hay that I added around the neck and arms for some reason came out alot lighter then the saene that I had made dark.

These two image I started to retexture the scar crow and then iampoved the pumpkin face so it looked like it had the face cut out instart of two sphere as eyes.From this, I played around by adding straw or first substitute around the bottom. As you can see with face below. I believe this town are looking really well and using a light with in the pumpkin to make it look like there was a candle inside this, though shine through onto the hat for some reason which I was unable to change

Monday, 29 October 2012

Scary Halloween

Above is some sketches of a halloween themed scarecrow that i had an idea for i looked at pumpkins and also adding a stuff to the mix to try and make it more interesting.

Friday, 26 October 2012

Helloween Moody

Above is my mood board for halloween i looked at looked at lots of different sceary moives and tv shows like the Walking Dead, Sream, The Ring and The Shinning as you can see above iam thinking of doing a helloween zombie/scarecrow charaicter.

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

3D Tree

This is my 3D tree so far that i have been building in 3Ds Maxs i will add more detail and textures to the tree.

the tree above has come out lookingvery unrealistic. The textures stretched and are not detailed enough. Also, the shadows are not showing in the tree feels very plopped onto the surface and doesn't have any weight to it. I will try and add more detail sort out some of the textures I may even move this into Maya.

Below is the tree i did before with not much change in size form the roots to the end of the tree so above i changed the size to make it feel more like a real tree. and I looked at the textures and improved on them and may the flowers slightly small to make them look more believable.

Above is the finished 3D tree with all the textures i added in the pick flowers to add i nice look to a dead tree that is bring in new life. blow is a 360 video of the tree and the final one that has lighting and been bump maped.


Monday, 22 October 2012

Tree Drawings

Here are the skeachs for the trees i was looking at many different kinds of trees from all over the world and the bottom right is look at a sap tree being uesd suck dry with a steampuck kind of technlogy these trees have alot of charicter.

Tree Mood

Above is my mood board for my tree conpect iam looking at the way trees have changed to there enviroment like alot of wind will make them smaller so they don't blow over.

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Surreal Final

 This is my work in progress of my final picture for the sreal project it is showing two woulds on a flat disc with a mirror showing the other sea there will be a boat walking down. also the two waterfall meets in the middle and forms clouds.
Below is a little concept picture i did to see how i whated the 3D moble to be show.

Here is a basic model, no texturing, I've added in rocks and the ship going in vertically and in this I decided to add steam chimneys and opposition lakes, so looks like is slowly going down the waterfall

here I added some simple textures to show what I was going for with the surreal image I've made the ship look ironclad added copper to the takes and also the water textures to the top of the water is still and then the waterfall and also the sky beneath.

Here I played around respect humanity and maybe image smaller and may become closer to ship, which I believe brings more detail and sums up the pitch better. I will export this into photo shop and start adding more detail that would be very hard to do in maya

here I have added the picture into photo shop, and I've tried it at in the form and mist caused when water collides to try and make it look as if to waterfalls are colliding with each other in the middle with the form at the top of the waterfall and also water colliding with rocks that are sticking out of the water. This image has a better improvement from my previous version.

Surreal Skeach

Above is the idea that i mentioned in my mood board post with a steampuck ship walking down a waterfall to get to the other side of the flat world. there are some close ups of the ship and texture ideas and a small skeach on what i want it to look like.

Surreal Mood

Above is the mood borad for the Surreal hand-in the clocks, ship and legs i have uead as my idea is to have a ship walking down a waterfall.

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Fly Bot

This Is more detailed one i did with more UVW maps with the sign to punish and enslave.
Above Is a 2D short of my fly bot that I made in 3Ds maxs I uesd a simple metal texture for the body and on the blades I saved off the UVW and put it into photoshop and added the yellow lines and then above that I added more detail as you can see below are the animations i made.

 Above is a 360 degree vid i did to show the fly bot is 3D
Above is an animation of what it would look like if the fly bot was hovering around and doing what it dose

After what you see above i went on to put this into maya as maya has a much better UV mapping tool as you can see below from the UV map it came out looking quite alot better then it did in 3Ds max.

Above is the UV map i made to texture the Robot.

 Above are three image of angles of the robot to show how the textureing went and as you can see it has come out looking fine i will be adding a normal map to it soon.This is a better improvement from my previous version, as the textures are not stretched and are working better together as my texturing skills has improved since I've made the first version. You can see from the improvement as the model looks a lot more professional.

Monday, 8 October 2012

Robot Sk

Here are some pics that i did for the robots some are ideas from movies i have seen and from my own ideas.

Sunday, 7 October 2012

Robot In The Mood

Here is a mood broad for robots with a mix of some of my favorite one from my life i would like to make a 3D model this time with a army like robot as i used to do it in Google sketch-up and would like to move this on to 3Ds max.  

Wednesday, 3 October 2012


This is my Tentacle monster as it stands how i will be adding to it but this is what it looks like now. this is one of my best 2-D pictures I have ever done as 2-D is not my strong point, but I believe I've almost got shadows and the organic mess of this tentacle worm to look as if it was 3-D. I don't think I will dp 2-D any more and will Try and continue doing 3-D work for the rest of my assignments

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Tentacle Sketches

Yeah here are my Sketches i made some random shapes and made them into tentacle shapes i saw two i liked and made them into detailed shapes and will add colour.

Monday, 1 October 2012


This is my mood board for the tentacle monster iam looking at making a armored octerpus like moster, with a big gun on it i was looking as makeing it have an organic feel to the armor like the armadillo but try to give its the coolness of the combine solider in white. This mood borad hopfually shows what i want to do.