Wednesday 28 November 2012

Santa's Mobility Scooter

The Chrismas card idea i hope to go for is haveing an obese santa on a mobility scooter being palled by some reindeer, also with some presents in the barsket at the frount.
Here are some skeachs of fat santa on his mobility scooter with a reindeer pulling him i was looking at a cartoon style santa for santa, with a few quike skeachs of the final idea and looking at how to show him as nice and obese.

Above is my final idea so far I am using reference pictures to see were I what to put the scooter and reindeer.

Looking at the image I think I have put the scooter to high in the iamge and I will move it down and try not to mess up the perspective the reindeer and santa will be the hardest to draw for me so I will need to spend alot of time on those two. The reindeer will need to have alot of expression as it is palling somthing heavy and santa needs just to look really fat.

I decided to get rid of the reindeer and just have Santa as I felt there was to much going on in the picture, as you can see this makes the picture a lot simpler.

Not amazing but still a bit more to do.

Right I Know its shit but its the best I can do. the shadows are not good and it dose not look 3D. so i will remake this in 3D this using the image as reference.

Here I have made the scooter below in 3D there may need to be some more smoothing but for the start it has come out looking alright. Now I need to make the obese Santa which will be the hardest part to do.  

Here it is with basic colour

Below I desided to make a simple model of the fat santa for refrence and see how he would look on the scooter also to see where it would be best to place his legs and arms.

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